Today, we're trying out babysitters. Katarina is here this morning until noon; I'm going to have a peaceful breakfast (no Kavi howling for me just when my eggs are coming off the griddle), send a few e-mails, and then run a few errands before Kevin wakes up, since he'll be taking the car in when he goes to teach. Melissa will be here this afternoon, during which time, I plan to primarily work on finalizing my syllabus for the Asian American lit. class. I promised Stacy that she'd have the book orders today, lord willin' and the creek don't rise, so that's the big plan.
This evening, if I have the energy and if Kevin is up for watching Kavi, I'm going to head up to Lakeview to join the Chicago mom bloggers for a dinner. It'd be nice to take a few hours and get to know some of them better. Which makes me realize, guiltily, that it's been a while since I posted anything. Hmm....time to come up with something interesting mommy-wise. I think I've complained enough about Kavi's sleeping habits. :-)
Although, speaking of which, she didn't wake me up today! I woke up at 7, on my own, feeling well rested, and when I went into her room, she was awake, but lying peacefully in her crib, staring at the ceiling. Maybe we need to get her a mobile. (We had one, but took it down for some reason, and I can't remember why...) But the point was, she was not howling. It's so nice not to be woken up by howls. I have no idea how she was for Kevin last night, so maybe she was a demon baby until he went to bed. It'll be interesting to hear...
Oh, we made a Facebook page for DesiLit, and so I ended up joining Facebook. I'm not sure what to do with it, but there it is.