They reassured me on various points I'd been concerned on with the YA novel (including some polygyny, and my representations of the two cultures in the war, which are very loosely based on Tamil/Sinhalese cultures). I feel better. We also told dumb Sri Lankan jokes, which are essentially dumb Russian jokes with the Sri Lankan switched in. Okay, we told one joke, but it was funny. We laughed a lot, though I don't remember exactly why. We argued a bit about Sri Lankan history (who got there first, and when), but I think I was right, and felt compelled to send e-mail to Pireeni and Leah this morning giving them further evidence as to why I was right.
Anyway, all good. On to today. This morning, I have dishes to do (they did most of them, but there are a few left), and need to swing by Berkeley to register for my Tamil class (which I somehow have not gotten around to doing yet). Then we're all heading down to San Jose to see Kevin's sister, Susan -- who had her baby yesterday! Brooke and Susan are healthy and happy and all well. Yay! Which means Kavi now has her first cousin, and I have my first niece! Very exciting!!!
It's going to be a good day. :-) :-) :-)