Tired, munchkins. I've been tired a lot lately. Yesterday I went to the doctor to get my annual ultrasound to check on the progress of the fibroids; probably they'll be pretty much the same, which is fine, but it makes me nervous, waiting for the results. They could be growing much faster; they could have spontaneously gotten smaller. The body is weird. I also got my bloodwork done, checking my TSH levels. I'm hoping that the tiredness I've been feeling the last month (I tend to get tired by mid-afternoon, and crash hard in early evening) is the result of needing to up my synthroid dosage. That's a simple fix -- if it's not that, then who knows.
The last few days I've been running straight out, trying to get all kinds of things done before leaving town. School work, meeting with students, household stuff, SLF and DesiLit things. I think it'll all get done in time, but oh, I'm expecting to crash as soon as I get on the plane this evening.
I'm going to the Bay Area to visit Jed for a week, then up to Seattle to see Kirstie and the new baby. Before I get there, I should finish the baby blanket I started crocheting for her, oh a year ago? I so slow.
*Fingers crossed that all is well*
Are you going to World Con this year?
Sadly, no. Too expensive.