Spent a few hours finishing Murder in the Pettah, which was very satisfying in a Miss Marple-ish sort of way, plus the added bonus of all the Sri Lanka stuff. Particularly interesting to me was the role language and social class played in the book, the fact that speaking English or Sinhala or Tamil gave the investigator access to different people and different amounts of information. Since finishing the book, I've been doing event-planning, for a book launch party in Chicago, and for the Kriti festival, mostly inviting academics. We've recently confirmed Mira Kamdar and Mallika Dutt as festival attendees, making for a nice solid political writing line-up. Pleasing. I'd still like to invite Deepa Mehta, the filmmaker who made Fire, but I've been unable to find a working e-mail or phone number for her. Frustrating.
Kevin got me a surprise present yesterday, Dance Dance Revolution, because I'd been complaining about how boring exercise was. I'm frustrated because I really want to try it, but I'm also exhausted from the sick thing. I may try it anyway, just a little.
I should write this afternoon, but not sure I have the brain for it. I did eventually manage to do a tiny bit of incoherent writing yesterday, which was progress of a sort. We take what we can get.