I ought to put together a summary of political resources; it’s been on my to-do list, but I have no heart for it today.
I’m grieving for the people of Gaza. Grieving for the shift to an explicitly colonialist and imperialist America.
Not that we weren’t already pursuing that policy by other means, but it’s a significant (and horrifying) moral break to be willing to just outright state it again — that we think we have the right to just go in and take what we want.
Might makes right, and morality is no longer given even lip-service; it’s just not part of the equation.
Here is my cat, and sunlight, and a peaceful room with flowers and a blanket, a comfy chair and little crocheted hearts.
Wishing quiet, peaceful homes for the people of Gaza. I don’t know how we get there from here.
Local elections are coming up; I’m planning to talk about those more here. But for now, I’ll note that if you’re local,
Annemarie Kiill runs a FB group, Polite Politics Oak Park, and while overall it leans a little more centrist / right than I am, she does a good job of actually keeping people from devolving into personal insults. It’s probably the best place right now to get updates on local political issues, including details of when candidate forums are being held, where recordings are available, etc.
Even if America is falling apart around us, it’s important to hold the line on local issues. If you care about free access to information, about education for all, about services for seniors, about housing people can afford, about the importance of green spaces — get involved with your local elections. Know where candidates stand, and please, please vote.
Lovely flowers courtesy Gigi Rowe of Pickle Hill Parties. Shop local.