Celebrating Mother’s Day in a distributed way

Yesterday’s hosting of the OPALGA+ monthly potluck went well (aside from some mishaps with Instacart ice delivery which I’m still kind of annoyed about, but putting it aside, putting it aside…) They’ve been trying to encourage more young folks to come, which I’m all in favor of, and there were a few recipients of their scholarship award who attended last night, along with their moms. Lovely. Best of luck to the seniors!

I also got to ‘test’ some of my pieces in the wild — I have a newly-finished end table that I tried in the living room, and people gave me a bunch of compliments on it. 🙂 I’ll be taking it down to Sprout when I go for my 3-8 shift today.

After the shindig, Kev came and helped me clean up (he did most of it, actually, per usual), and then sent me upstairs because he had some prep to do for this morning. We’re celebrating Mother’s Day in a distributed way, with breakfast-in-bed this morning and maybe a board game tomorrow afternoon. Kavi has a volunteer shift at the hospital from 8-12 tomorrow morning, so we shifted things around a bit.

At least, that was the theory.

In practice, here’s how the morning has gone so far:

7-ish, I woke up, per usual. Feeling pretty exhausted (lots of cleaning and organizing and such yesterday, getting the house and garden in shape for a party), so was happy to read a few pages and then fall back asleep.

8: Kevin gets out of bed, much earlier than usual for him on a Saturday.
Me: You’re getting up?
Kev: I can’t leave you starving.
Me: Mother’s Day is about starving a little.

8:30: Kevin returns to tell me the kids are still asleep. I request tea and a banana and my meds. He brings me all of those.

9:30: Kevin says the kids are STILL asleep. This is actually not so unusual for Kavi on a Saturday (and she’s underslept this week, sleeping badly due to stressing about AP exams next week, poor munchkin), but Anand is usually up early.

He did stay up pretty late playing video games and eating cookies at the party last night, though. I tell Kev it’s fine, that it can be Mother’s Day brunch, no need to wake them up. He asks if I want to eat something, and I say yes, please.

9:45: Kevin brings me half of HIS breakfast, an omelette with fried tomatoes and green chili. It is delicious. He reports the kids are now awake.

It’s very weird for me to be in bed this long, if I’m not sick, but I’m not hating it, actually. Part of me does feel like I ought to go down to the basement and un-mold some resin pieces and pour another layer on the table in-progress. Another part of me is fretting a little over the plants that should really get in the ground. And there’s a sewing project that I’d hoped to do this weekend, of which more anon…

…but it can all wait. I have some computer work to do if the lack of productivity starts really getting to me. In the meantime, it’s a gorgeous sunny day, there’s a pleasant breeze coming in the window, and my bed is very cozy. 🙂

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