Several of my friends…
Several of my friends have recently bought houses. Not just little starter houses, but biggish rambling houses. The kind of house where you can sit in one room reading, while in another room someone is on the phone, and in another room someone is playing computer games, and in another room someone is playing with the baby, and in another room someone is sleeping -- and you can all do these things in relative peace. I have house envy. But I also really appreciate just having these friends who have these houses, filled with good conversation and good quiet and lots of good books and good teas. I suspect in a year or two, if I wanted, I'd be able to just wander around the country (if I had a car), staying with various and sundry people who have lovely houses and who want company to help fill them. Right now, there's Kirsten in Seattle, Karen in Madison, Todd and Debby in Boston, and Alex in New Jersey. I wonder who'll be next? (Not me. :-)