So far, about one in three is making it into the Maybe pile -- I'm being pretty generous with the Maybe's for this first pass. Some of the immediate disqualifiers are things like:
- no story: this is the most common problem -- people send me erotic
scenes, with no conflict. You might be able to convince me that you've
got a worthwhile story with no conflict, especially if you have a fabulous
command of the language, but you're going to have to work pretty hard at
- wrong genre: several sf or fantasy or horror stories have come in that
may or may not have some sex in them, but which don't even attempt to be
erotic -- no good for us.
- nothing grabbed me: some of the stories are fine -- they have some plot tension, they're sexy...but nothing about them grabbed me, personally. Nothing struck me as really interesting, or innovative, or moving, or funny... This is the category that no writer can predict, honestly -- you can write a fine story, one that lots of other editors would like, but not get the editor you're aiming for. It happens.