I am still trying to decide whether to host a small holiday party / sale at the house. Very waffly! I could, in theory, do it Sun 12/5, Sat 12/11, or Sun 12/12. I could invite others to join, so there are a few more vendors to shop from. We’d require that everyone be masked indoors and vaccinated.
I talked to Kevin about how to safely feed people, and he suggested setting up a hot beverage station outside on the porch, with the heater going, so people could keep their coats on and chat for a little if they liked, and doing little bags of Sri Lankan snacks for people to take away with them (or eat outside).
So, I guess this is me asking for a head count / date preference.
Locals, do you want to come do some holiday shopping at my house from small vendors? Likely bath products, jewelry, plus my books, curry powder, scarves, etc. If I get at least 10 people interested, I’ll go ahead and plan for it. Please note if you have a date preference! V. important.