On the plus side, the Clean Sheets archive is up! We won't be archiving everything, but there's stuff in several of the directories now, and it *is* nice to not feel like things are disappearing forever every week. I've also done a first draft of the advertising guidelines, which I've been dreading. (Note: you get to the archive by way of the text links at the bottom of the pages, for now.)
Not much else to report. Quiet morning, waiting for Sarah to send me tech writing stuff. Kevin made omelettes and my biscuits are in the oven, so I'm going to go get some juice and get ready to eat. I go back to Oakland tonight, for a few days of chaos, and then things should be fairly calm in in Connecticut/New York (though I *am* planning to see a lot of people, if I can).
I'll write something more interesting soon, I promise. Getting Clean Sheets into reasonable shape has been a priority for me, but it really is starting to feel like things are under control.