Okay, so *now* it seems that other people can see the background in color, and I can't, even though I use Netscape. Oy, gevalt! Guess I'll spend today trying to download version 2.whatever, and hope that helps. Doesn't make much sense, though, since I can see *other* people's background colors.
Last night we borrowed a friend's copy of Hannah and Her Sisters, a classic Woody Allen movie. It was great, and funny, and the woman who played Hannah's young sister (Lee?) was gorgeous. On the other hand, I found Woody Allen's character (the neurotic hypochondriac (actually they're all neurotic, but he was annoyingly so)), to be overblown and irritating and rather pointless in his search for the meaning of life. I thought Woody had a bit more subtlety than this.
Latkes with applesauce for dinner last night -- if you catch this within a couple weeks of my writing it, you can finger mort@midway.uchicago.edu for the recipe. If you miss it there, you can probably ask on rec.food.cooking; I think Mort (David Mortman, a friend of mine from college) is a moderator of the group. Potatoes and onions and eggs -- good, but greasy. If anyone knows a non-grease-laden recipe for latkes I'd be happy (and astonished) to hear it.
Addendum -- ignore that first paragraph. It's working now. Argh. Colors almost entirely switched over -- hope y'all like the new ones -- I think they're easier on the eyes. Unfortunately, it does mean that all my nice little HR html line things seem to have disappeared -- guess I need to draw my own or something. Nuisance.