Updating my c.v. this morning, because I’m going up for hopeful promotion this year. I really should’ve done it last year, but the pandemic intervened, ah well. I’m currently Clinical Associate Professor; this would be going up to Clinical Full.
(To clarify: I’m not on the tenure-track, but UIC has this rarely used Clinical position, that is mostly for people in the med school, but at one point, there was a provost who thought it would be useful for people like writers, hence my having this odd title. It comes with significantly less pay, but also fewer committee meetings than the tenure-track. Anyway.)
I sort of felt like I hadn’t done much of anything in the last year, publication-wise, given pandemic, but in fact, there were some things, esp. since we list forthcoming publications that have been accepted. So that was nice to discover. Sometimes you have to pause and actually count the things you’re doing….
A Feast of Serendib, 2019, Mascot Books
“Paper Star,” The Decameron Project, 2020