Wrote three pitches for Choice of Games — it’ll be interesting to see if they go for any of them. If they do, it’ll be like the writing I did for the two choose-your-own-adventure erotica novels I wrote for Penguin Books (Kathryn in the City, The Classics Professor) way back when, but designed to be played as a mobile narrative game (entirely text-based).
It’s a LOT of writing — many of their writers turn in 500,000 word interactive novels. If you have a dozen different endings, you have to write a lot of extra paths to get there. I’m hoping that it’ll help me break through a little bit of my….parsimoniousness? preciousness?
Sometimes I get so protective of my words that I end up hardly writing any — at least in fiction. But at the same time, I can produce many many many paragraphs of Facebook posts with ease. I’d like to be able to approach fiction writing with that same comfort.
So if they go for one of these, then perhaps having the deadlines will help me along with the fiction-writing process. Benjamin Rosenbaum is writing one too, so I have someone I can ask for advice if needed…
• A Game of Demons