Y’all, I celebrated the mid-point of the first week of classes by going up to Ethiopian Diamond and picking up takeout. No Ethiopian restaurant delivers to me, sadly, and I have been craving it for months. This pandemic has used up a lot of willpower, ditto finishing the novel revision, ditto start of semester, and I think I might just be completely out of willpower at this point.
So even though there are only two people in this house who eat Ethiopian food, I could not stop myself from ordering four separate dishes (with their accompanying sides), which tells you that six-plus months is WAY too long for me to go without Ethiopian food (probably my second-favorite food, right after Sri Lankan). I had NO self-restraint about it.
I ate it in the car driving back (Asa Wat with Injera), I ate it when I got back to the house (Yemisir Wat, Kik Alicha, with Injera and more Injera), I went and did some treadmill then went swimming with Anand to try to counter the effects a little bit, and maybe that would have worked, but then I came back inside and it was all still out on the counter, so of course I ate some more (Yebeg Tibs, Tikil Gomen, Shiro, with Injera, Injera, Injera)
And now, now my stomach is paining.
I suppose if I only do this once every six months, I’ll survive it.
(Borrowed a stock photo off the net, because of course I didn’t pause in the eating long enough to take pictures… You might want to picture this times four or so…)