And I’m Crying Now

Got an e-mail from the Dublin WorldCon of last year, a totally routine sort of thing, updates and reminders to vote on future WorldCons, etc., and I’m crying now.

It is NOT IMPORTANT given everything else, but I was supposed to be heading to New Zealand with Jed Hartman next week for this year’s WorldCon, and I really really really love travel, and this is hard.

Roshani asked me what I was doing for my birthday on Sunday, and I didn’t know what to answer. What I want to do is get on a plane and go somewhere strange and new.

I might take the family camping. But I like camping and they’re not so sure, so it might end up a lot of mama-work with a bunch of complaining on the other end, which doesn’t sound very birthday-ish.

If you know of a very socially distanced B&B or Air B&B or some such, with water where we can kayak, recommendations would be welcome. Within 4-hr drive of Oak Park. Ideally available one of the next three weekends, or during the week of August 9th, when I’m going to try to give myself a break from work for a few days.

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