You know, I have moments when I am tempted to hie me unto a cabin in the woods, away from all of humanity. But most of the time, I really like living in the thick of things, and I am particularly appreciating it tonight, when I remember that the fabulous Kate Bachus is coming into town tomorrow, whee!, and I promised to make Sri Lankan dinner for her and a bunch of other SF people tomorrow night, so at 9:30 p.m., I hop in my car, drive two minutes to the grocery store, do a quick collection of ingredients, beverages, and dessert (there may have been the impulsive purchase of a fabulous cheesecake topped with an abundance of glazed berries), and am back home again by 10, so I can get back to my grading. Living deep in the woods would make all of that rather more challenging. :-)
(What I really want to do right now is start cooking, but I can do that with Kate tomorrow after she arrives. I will make her chop things for me.)