Happy to stay downtown

The con sent out a request a little bit ago saying they’d extended the hotel room block, and if we’d be interested in taking a room, it’d help them out. I’d already been thinking about it for Saturday night — even though I only live a 20-30 minute drive away, it’s just so much easier being at the con hotel. I drove home Friday night, very tired, and already knew I was going to be happy to stay downtown the next night.

My river view room is slightly marred by the giant TRUMP, alas, but otherwise, it’s been so nice having a slow morning here. I had grand plans to get some writing done, but I’m afraid this post will have to stand for that — I stayed up ’til midnight talking with old friends (Cecilia Tan, Ada Palmer, et. al.) and new.

After the open mic last night, it was a lot of fun hanging out with the writers from the open mic and four of my students (two present, two past), talking writing and reading and business of publishing. Cecilia and Corwin joined us at some point and she, as usual, was full of publishing wisdom. I really need to investigate Buttondown.

I got to bed around midnight (tempted by Scalzi’s dance party, but I was just too exhausted, alas!), and slept ’til 9:30. Hence no writing, but I clearly needed the catch-up sleep, so am trying to be reconciled to that. We are not machines for productivity, and at age fifty-three, I find that if I don’t plan for scheduled and sufficient rest, my body will swiftly retaliate.

Plan for the rest of the day — take my suitcase down to the car, collect some art that a friend asked about buying (I happen to have a bunch of it in the car right now, if anyone at the con is dying for resin work from me…), swing by the SLF fan table and collect some membership brochures, go do my panel from 11:30 – 12:30 (on SF orgs for writers), hang out at the con until Kavi can come downtown and join me, probably by 2.

And then, prom dress shopping. Yes, the five hours we spent driving around the suburbs yesterday were unsuccessful. Hoping we’ll have better luck in the city today. Gah!

CapriCon is moving back to the suburbs next year, which I’m a little bummed about — it’s so convenient having it downtown, and so much easier for me to talk students into attending. Well, hopefully they’ll prioritize having it public transit accessible…

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