Cup of tea, collect tools, head back.

Spent a few hours working on the shed space at Berwyn Shops. I took down wallpaper from one wall, and have replaced half the wall so far — I think the other half will take about an hour, and I’m heading back soon (just had to swing home and grab a screwdriver, cutting mat, measuring tape, hammer, and nails, to make all this easier). I decided I hate the shelves that were there, so they’ve come down, and I need to unscrew the shelf brackets before I finish that wall.

I looked at a LOT of fun wallpapers, but in the end, decided that if I wanted people to actually notice the products and hopefully buy them, I wanted them to pop on the walls. There’s a reason why art galleries are usually white-walled. So I found a textured linen-look cream, and while it’s not the most exciting wallpaper ever, as it goes up, I do think it adds a nice element to the space.

It’s a good thing I’m not finicky, though, because it’s not easy to apply it perfectly, and you can definitely see the overlapped edge when the light hits it right. I figure there’s going to be enough stuff on the walls, it’s not going to matter.

I also stole a wooden folding screen from our house and brought that in — I’m going to try some hooks in it for hanging fabric items for sale. If I can find my hooks. They’re around here somewhere…

Tentative plan for the back wall right now is to either do the same cream, or a very charming cream and white pattern which won’t arrive ’til Friday — guess this weekend is definitely a SOFT open. 🙂 I’ll probably be putting that wallpaper up Saturday morning before the shop opens.

Still to do — paint the furniture that came with the shop (though one bookcase, the shelves are so battered, I’m not sure it’s worth it). Paint the floor — it needs at least a cover coat of paint, but I think what I’m going to do is paint it dark green and then stencil a lighter green pattern over it. Think forest floor vibe. I’d like to get that done before the shop opens — we’ll see. I should have time tomorrow evening.

And IF I get ambitious (to be determined), I might paint the ceiling and the beams, though realistically, that’s probably not going to happen before opening this weekend. It would make more sense to do that BEFORE setting up the whole shop, but oh well, drop cloths are a thing.

Okay. Cup of tea, collect tools, head back.

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