A brief recap from Novel Bookcamp

Only a brief recap from Novel Bookcamp for today, because it’s been a busy day and I am pooped.

Morning teaching (POV and conflict), followed by prepping for student conferences, followed by lunch out because I rather desperately needed a change from Wisconsin food (sorry, Wisconsin! But there wasn’t even crushed red pepper with the condiments…).

I found an adorable little Pakistani place 15 minutes away, Chit Chaat, 550 State Street, Racine, and I commend it to you, tasty homestyle food, and just enough spicy heat to make it interesting. Stopped at the Piggly Wiggly afterwards to get green chilies and onions and three different kinds of hot sauces, so I think I’ll survive the rest of the week. 🙂

Then four hours of student conferences (oof!), then dinner (leftovers from lunch), then prepping for evening lecture, then evening lecture on Writing the Taboo. Whew!

Busiest day — after this, I think I’m just scheduled for morning teaching Wed and Thurs, and a brief business talk Friday afternoon. Hoping to get some writing done. We’ll see.

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