Really wanting to get in the garden, but a few things I need to do first today.
- breakfast, tea, and meds (DONE)
- pour next resin layers, check in on art pieces, post about them, check in on orders (DONE)
- remind Anand to do his morning chores (he’s a lark, like me, so he gets the morning shift) and make sure the kids are all set for summer school (DONE)
- go to the Y and swim (DONE — and a milestone today, I swam front crawl calmly and in control, breathing properly, from one end of the pool to the other! Usually I make it most of the way and then end up turning over on my back so I can breathe, because I’ve started to get panicky. But I’ve been working on my breathing form, and it’s paying off. Next goal, a full lap, back and forth.)
That’s so far.
- work on novel revisions for an hour or two
- finish straightening up before cleaners arrive (almost done, just a few little things to do)
- cook a chicken curry for lunch, dinner, etc…
- put away groceries when they arrive
- get Sue Bedry what she needs for an SLF grant proposal — we’re hoping to bring Andrea Hairston out to teach a masterclass in Chicago for POC spec fit writers; stay tuned!
- do a little organizing in the garage
If I do all that, then I think I can let myself garden in the afternoon. It makes more sense to do that while the cleaners are here anyway — I like to clear out if I can, so they can work in peace.
I have some perennials to get in the ground, some watering stuff to set up, and then SO MUCH WEEDING. And mulch-spreading. The kids get home from summer school around 1, so hopefully I can enlist them in some of that, after they get an hour or two to chill.
Pic: Rosa “The Fairy,” and PG Tips.