It can feel a little…naked

I just read the Jeanne Thornton essay in the new Feminist Press edition of Russ’s On Strike Against God. Good essay, and I found the final footnote particularly moving. I don’t want to give anything away, since the book isn’t even out for another month, so I’ll avoid spoilers for now.

And then, since my piece was next in the book, I ended up re-reading it. It’s always a little nerve-wracking seeing your work in print, especially if there’s been much of a gap between when you wrote it and when it was published. And so much of what I write is me trying to be honest, it can feel a little…naked.

But I started it, and soldiered on through the awkward phase, and by the time I got to the end, had to admit that there were at least a few good bits in there. I’m not going to be too embarrassed to have people read it. That’s nice. Whew.

It’s been a long day of mostly putting the house in order after a week away — getting the fridge inventoried and ordering grocery delivery, cooking dinner and baking some mini-muffins for the kids (in the perhaps vain yet persistent hope that Kavi might be tempted to eat SOMETHING in the morning), unpacking, pouring the next stage of some resin pieces, uncovering dried roses and setting more to dry, and spending a few hours organizing in the basement. Good progress made, and my back’s a little sore, so that’s nice.

Kevin stayed one more day to finish helping his mom with some things, but he’s getting in around 2 a.m. tonight. Will sleep easier once he’s home.

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