We have a long travel day today

Heading home — we have a long travel day today, with a change of planes in Salt Lake City (sadly, not there long enough to visit with friends!). I’m going to try to be productive on the flights; we’ll see how it goes. 🙂

Pic from last night — I took a last 30 minute soak in the senior living center’s hot tub, reading a book on my phone. At various points, I’ve thought about putting in a hot tub on the back deck, and every time decided we probably wouldn’t use it enough to justify the cost and maintenance time.

But having one just there and waiting was very nice on a slightly chilly Bay Area evening. Would have been even better with a few friends and a glass of wine — maybe next time we come out to visit Kevin’s family.

And I have to give myself props for getting up early to get in one last chilly morning swim before we headed to the airport. I knew I’d be sitting for most of the day, and I’d feel better if I got in some exercise in the morning. It took a tiny bit of willpower to go out there, and a tiny bit more to get into the pool, but once I started swimming, it was fine.

Could I turn into the sort of person who gets up at 6 a.m. to go for a swim to start the day? Maybe…

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