There’s really plenty of time to get things done before the launch

Day is going pretty well so far. Chatted with Roshani over breakfast, then went to swim (the two people in the lane with me were VERY strong swimmers — they’d do a full lap in the time it took me to go halfway, but were just super-smooth about swimming around me as needed, so I didn’t have to worry at all; it was almost like I had the lane to myself, so funny).

Came back and took some photos of the custom ‘sailor’s knot’ order and the two necklace orders (which I need to follow up with and give them instructions for payment), also of two gift baskets finalized so far — I got some nicer baskets to use for orders from the online shop.

I’ll ask Eliana Callan to get those up when she has a chance in the next week (Eliana, please make a ‘gift basket’ section — if you don’t know how, can you ask Stephanie to show you how? I listed the contents of each basket in posts the last few days, so I think you can just grab those, and the photos from this post.) This garden basket is only available until I run out of paperwhite bulbs, though — I have a fair number, but eventually I’ll have to sub in something else. 🙂

Rest of today: shower and dress for teaching, eat something, if there’s time, stop by Sprout on my way into campus and drop off the ‘cancer comfort’ baskets and a sign (need to make sign) explaining the raffle & schedule of events for the party. Hm. I am thinking there will not be time — well, maybe on the way home.

If I’m not feeling too harried, I’ll stay on campus after teaching, do my required computer training that’s due today (or possibly yesterday, oops), and attend UIC’s Program for Writers reading at 3 p.m.

There’s really plenty of time to get things done before the launch, but it’s easy to start feeling like I have no time. I have lots of time. It’s fine! I might need a to-do list to make sure I don’t forget things, though. Food, drinks, paper products, serveware.

I’ll feel better once I’ve picked up the food and drinks! But I think I may not get to that until tomorrow morning. We’ll see. The really convenient thing is that there’s a grocery store right next door, so if all else fails, I’ll send Kevin to get masses of cookies. It’ll be fine. 🙂

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