Garden Log 1/19/22

Attempting coleus propagation!

So, I was at the garden store recently (as one is), and they had this giant coleus in a pot for $25, and I had a hanging basket at home that had just failed with its asparagus fern (too big a root ball for the basket), so I needed to replace it with something, and I thought this coleus would fit, so I took it up to the counter.

They gave it to me for $20, because it was the only one left, and undoubtedly super root-bound (yes, it was!), and I think they were worried that I’d get it home and then be disappointed if it didn’t last long as a houseplant.

It might not! We’ll see. But my actual plan was to use it to attempt coleus propagation for the first time. I have this little propagation station on the wall, and I’ve put little coleus cuttings in there with water, and now we just wait, I think, to see if they create roots?

I do have some Root Boost — not sure if it’s needed for coleus? Any other tips? I’d love to get a bunch of little free plants out of this — some to spot in the garden, and some to give away!

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