It was a really a treat to get to take Kavi and Anand to an artist’s working studio. I don’t *think* Anand is likely to follow an artist’s path, but you never know, and Kavi just might. So nice of Christa Grenawalt to show us around!
This large piece and the detail is “Finding the Gold.”
“I’d like to provide a space to pause and reflect on what we’ve experienced these past years between fires around us and inside us with COVID,” says Grenawalt, who has been a part of the ICB building for 10 years and credits the sense of community there. “This installation for winter open studios at the ICB, ‘Fire Lines,’ allows for a connection between the outer vast landscapes and the ones inside the body.”
Here’s an article about the piece, if you’d like to learn more:…/tiburon-artist-uses-ash-from…/