Something I’ll Commit To

Okay, so I think this Saturday 10-1 co-writing thing is something I’m going to commit to pretty strongly. I mean, if I’m really exhausted and need to sleep in or something, fine, but there are a lot of benefits to it:

• it re-centers me on writing once a week (I can get distracted from that pretty easily)
• it reminds me to water my office plants once a week, as I’m getting set up
• if I do it weekly, I should be able to see steady progress over time

• it’s nice to hang out with other writers, esp. in pandemic times; I like the 5-15 minutes of community and writing talk, before we go into our quiet sprint

My plan for today’s session — the first chunk is just set-up, I think. I’ve gotten everyone going, and now I’m going to finish watering the plants and fill the humidifier and straighten up the office a little and respond to a few urgent e-mails, so I have a nice, serene environment for writing.

Actual things to write (won’t do all of these today!):

• a revision of “Skin Deep” which should be pretty straightforward, so I’m going to try to knock that out
• a food essay that needs revision
• trying to sketch out most of what will be in Vegan Serendib, so I can make a plan for lots of vegan cooking in the next month, finalizing the recipes
• seeing if I can extract a good short story from a mediocre SF partial novel; I workshopped it last month, and my workshop thinks it’s do-able, so, giving it a go (tricky politics makes me a bit nervous, oh well)
• drafting another “Jump Space” RPG adventure scenario for the Patreon, because I’ve promised subscribers a new one every month, or close to that

• drawing a map of the “Jump Space” universe


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