Straightening Up

I got a little frayed by how messy the house was getting yesterday, so ended up staying up late straightening up, didn’t get to bed until 1, which meant I slept ’til 9, so woke up feeling discombobulated. (I’m usually up by 7 or earlier).

But on the plus side, when I came down, it was to a nice, clean workspace for sewing masks, and it was easy to get the kids breakfasted and set up for their schoolwork (so grateful that we have this outdoor space for us all, now that theĀ weather has gotten so lovely), and I’m quite enjoying the next set of masks on this spooky owl fabric (it was supposed to be for a Halloween thing, oh well — hopefully some food service and healthcare folks will enjoy having spooky owl masks).

Almost done with a dozen masks for local food service group, so will be dropping that off to them shortly. First, though, I need to go deal with some business paperwork and teaching assignments, because the rest of life doesn’t stop, it turns out, even if I’m mostly churning out masks these days. Onwards.

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