
I have to thank Pem Hessing for organizing A Colorful Holiday fair for this weekend, because I really need to sit still and heal, and crafting-with-a-purpose is exactly what I needed to get me to sit still. (Some people seemed to think this was for charity — it’s not; it’s to feature local businesses by people of color, like me! Mine is sort of a micro-business, though…)

I was originally just going to do Serendib Press and sell my books, but then I decided to add the curry powder, so that’s Serendib Kitchen too, and then I remembered that I still had some photo prints, botanical collages, and bookmarks on hand from the garden club fundraiser, and that I’d been wanting to try making magnets, so now Serendib Garden was in the mix too.

I had best just call it all Serendib and be done with it, I think. Pem, if it’s not too late to adjust that in your listings or whatever materials you’re printing going forward, that would be great. If it is too late, no worries!

(We call our house Serendib House. )

Also knocked out a few more botanical bookmarks while I was at it. There is something so pleasing about making these.

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