Internet off from 8-10, read for an hour, then wrote 990 words of the novel. Plotted out next scene in shower afterwards. I think I’m going to ask Kevin to extend the time (he’s setting it on our home router), from 8-11, and if that goes well, maybe 7-11.
Side effect of having internet completely off — I feel notably calmer when I can’t access it, I think because I don’t feel the anxiety that I *should* be dealing with e-mail or on Facebook or one of the other things that is pinging for my attention. I didn’t anticipate that — this was just supposed to create more writing time, but I think it may also be good for my mental health.
Felt a bit panicky when we first started this, but as I adapt to the routine, it feels so good. One of the new challenges of our era, I think, figuring out how to manage our technology, so it’s not managing us…