Other than that, I've mostly been taking it fairly easy here. Doing fun stuff like playing Agricola with Kevin (would have won the last game if I hadn't made one dumb mistake -- ah well). Also reading (finished Robin Hobb's Soldier Son trilogy finally, was a little disappointed with the last long book, to be honest), reading some more (read Anne McCaffrey's charming knitting/romance/mystery Stitch in Snow yesterday), reading a bit more (in the midst of Barth Anderson's Patron Saint of Plagues right now, enjoying it).
Some gardening -- did a bunch of weeding and pruning yesterday evening, when it had cooled down a bit, which was very satisfying. One of the nice things about container gardening is that the weeding is totally manageable. Finally, much belatedly, finished pinning the sari fabrics on the gazebo together, so they don't blow all over the place when it's windy. Finished crocheting the preemie blanket; very happy with results. Planning to start very belated birthday present project later today; probably another crocheted market bag, this time in bright blue ('cause that's the kind of yarn I have a lot leftover of).
Caught up on three weeks of laundry. Cooked some curries. Watched funny video: Buffy vs Edward. Watched two cheesy movies that were on tv -- Doc Hollywood and Blue Crush. Catching up on sleep. Catching up on phone calls with friends. Avoiding 200+ backlogged e-mails, but I'm pretty close to running out of ways to avoid it, so I expect I'll start working on that today or tomorrow. Starting to edit Kriti photos. Thinking about writing again, just a little bit.
But I might take another week of vacation first. :-)