Okay, I'm getting a bit stressed about start of school. Had anxiety dreams about missing the bus and not making it to class in time to photocopy my syllabus beforehand, and teaching a terrible class as a result. This is particularly goofy since I don't take a bus to work -- we'll either be biking or driving. But I'm going to photocopy my lit. syllabus at least today, and leave it in my office, which will hopefully help assuage the anxiety. Over-preparation, that's the key. :-)
Had a great DesiLit planning meeting over chat last night -- going to try to do monthly chats, which I think will help with organizational cohesiveness. Have several new volunteers, including a Managing Director, very exciting!
Plan for today -- bike into campus with Kevin, if he's feeling up for it, to practice the bike ride. Bring in a few plants for the terrarium. (One ivy, one fern, one succulent -- we'll see what lives.) Try to request some more comfy office furniture. Get my faculty ID. Set up campus wireless internet on the laptop. Come home, and go get hair cut and colored (bring Updike so I can keep reading through the hours of the process). Pick up some groceries for belated birthday party at our place tonight. And of course, if all that gets done, there's always the list. Sorry about all the to-do stuff; it should go back to more normal entries once the semester actually starts.
Draft syllabi (LIT DONE, CW WORKING)
Finish reading Updike best of the century anthology (for syllabus) (WORKING)
Research local daycares and make appointments to visit them (WORKING)
Schedule appointment to go to Devon and get sari blouses made for bridesmaids and matron of honor (me) in Sharmi's wedding (WAITING ON E-MAIL RESPONSE)
Schedule room for Sorayya Khan reading
Make appointments for annual ultrasound and bloodwork
Make appointment for semi-annual dentist visit and cleaning (ick)
Make appointment for Kevin to go to the doctor, because he hasn't been in at least a decade and it's probably time
Revise "Sequins"
Revise difficult chapter of Arbitrary Passions that I've been avoiding
Help Kevin clean grill (we had to bring it inside because they're sealing the wood on our balconies today, and have been confronted with how truly filthy it is)
Move the Thai pepper plants that have gotten overshadowed by bigger habanero and serrano pepper plants, so they have a chance of actually growing; possibly move serranos too -- heck, move all of them. Plus some tomatoes.
Donate remaining too-small clothes
Apply for citizenship.
Renew expired Sri Lankan passport.