Help us Plan a S. Asian Arts Festival in Chicago! (Sat 2/2, 5 p.m.)
Hey, folks. So we're having an initial planning meeting for the 2009 Kriti Festival this coming Saturday 2/2 at 5 p.m., in Wicker Park (near North and Damen). The main thing we'll be discussing is the possibility of expanding Kriti to be a general South Asian arts festival (instead of mostly focused on literature, as we did in 2007 and 2005). We're looking for people interested in helping organize these areas: literature, visual arts, music, theatre, film, and dance. Whether you're a performer yourself, or simply a lover of the arts, we'd love to have you come join us to help brainstorm plans for the 2009 festival. No experienced needed -- what we need are enthusiastic folks who love South Asian arts and want to help us celebrate them in Chicago!If interested, please e-mail Mary Anne at for address details. After the meeting, those who are interested are welcome to stay for dinner (we'll either cook something, or order pizza or Thai, depending on our mood, so bring $5-$10 if you're thinking of staying for dinner) and socializing.
Please forward widely.