Hey, munchkins. Slow morning -- still fighting this cold; my throat is swollen today, much fun. Going to take it easy, I think -- will still go to the cafe from 1-5, but I'm not going to try to do any other running around. Which fits in nicely with my plan to do lots of reading in the next week -- there are half a dozen authors I'll be meeting in Philly for the S. Asian lit festival there the weekend after this one, and I want to read something by each of them before them if I can. So a book or so a day for a bit; it's nice to have an excuse to just sit around and read. :-) Today is Bapsi Sidwa's
Cracking India, which has come highly recommended by many of my friends here.
Yesterday's Kriti planning meeting went very well -- the Northwestern law school facility will work beautifully for us if we choose to use it, and the law students have pledged to donate $250 as well as co-sponsors. Yay! :-) This month, we start inviting potential guests of honor.