Tightly-packed day today. This morning, cleaned up, did two loads of laundry. In half an hour, leave for dentist appointment. (Sadness. Woe.) Finish with that by 12:30, hopefully. Go directly to cafe and work for a few hours -- write fiction and prep for tonight's Kriti meeting. Finish early (around 4) and swing by grocery store; pick up a few supplies for tonight. Come home, cook dinner for eight people: rice and curry. Meeting starts at seven. No, I don't plan to cook dinners for every one of these meetings, but right now, I have the time, and I like cooking. :-) Last time we had five people, tonight we have eight, if things continue to progress like this, the meetings will hopefully soon be too large for me to cook by myself. Which means potluck. :-)
So there should be plenty of time to get everything done, but it does require a lack of dilly-dallying. So off I go...
Heh! I had a dentist appointment today, too! Hope yours went as well as mine did!