I bought a desk! You can just call me Miss Decisive from now on. :-) Although I admit, my decision was made a lot easier when I discovered that the last Sunday of each month was the Randolph Street antiques fair, a mere half-hour's walk from my apartment. And also made easier by my falling in love with a charming arts and crafts desk, beautifully-designed and made of solid Belgian oak. Plus, it has a comfy place to rest my feet, which is a high priority for short little me. I admit, it would have been even better if it came with a slender drawer or two -- but how can you quibble when you're in love? And when they knock a hundred dollars off the price for you, making it less than half of the *cheaper* Crate and Barrel desk? Now that's a bargain, is what it is...

Nice desk!
Nice choice. screw that crate and barrel noise.