Oh, and did I mention, it's snowing? I'm officially tired of winter now. It took longer than I expected, perhaps because we had a brief break from it in early March. But now I'm tired, I'm done, I don't want to put my big heavy coat on to go to the gym in half an hour, I don't want to wear my hat and gloves and scarf, I miss sundresses and sandals and lots of bare skin in the sunlight -- hell, I miss sunlight. And my plants had started to bloom and now they're stopping again; it's white and blustery outside and all I want is to curl up with a cup of tea and a warm blanket and while that was nice and cozy six months ago, I'm done now, I've had enough, it's time for it to be over.
This entry reminded me of something I have been meaning to suggest for some time and have consistently forgotten. I think a worthwhile project for SLF to consider in the future is to give either small grants or somewhat larger interest-free loans to new cons. I mean cons focused on literature, of course, not other media. Cons really seem to promote sf and fantasy and benefit both writers and fen. Starting up a new one can be really daunting. A few hundred dollars in seed money might make it easier for a would-be con organizer to get things underway.
(I guess I need to learn how to get involved in the SLF forums to suggest such a thing.)
That’s a nice idea, David, but I think it’s a ways in the future — right now, it’s the other way around; we’re asking the cons for money.
But definitely, suggest it on the forums, or even better, join our fabulous volunteer staff.
Well, this coming Saturday will be the first day of spring, and after that it’s not allowed to snow, right?
Quiet, you Californian you.
And you know, *every* time I call him, he mentions how he’s been going outside every morning and just soaking up sunshine, and how it’s making him feel so much better. Salt into my wounds, is what it is.
Yeah, you know, yesterday it was just TOO DARN HOT. I mean, it was ok in the shade, nice and warm with enough breeze to keep you reasonably cool without blowing off your hat, but in the sun it was broiling.
(scurries off before the Midwestern dwellers can throw things at her)