I took a break to glance at the Harry Potter DVD supplementary material, and found myself utterly charmed by the interviews. The brief bits with the kids and wizards were great, but the real prize was the extended interview with Rowling and the scriptwriter. Was much fun listening to them discuss the process of converting the books to screenplays. I thought it was particularly amusing when they discussed how useful it was having a character like Hermione -- because whenever you needed an infodump, you could have Hermione do it. It would be plausible because the readers/viewers would just assume that she had read it in a book. Every hero should have such a sidekick -- hmm...now that I think about it, Spock served a similar function for Kirk, didn't he? Brilliant sidekick, accompanying the brave but often kind of dumb hero...
And actually, Jed serves a similar function for me... (not that he actually knows everything, but he's the bestest ever at quickly looking things up)...
As does Giles for Buffy.
Oh, good one. Although lately Buffy’s seemed a bit resistant to that…guess that’s what happens when the sidekick starts overstepping his bounds. (Are you paying attention, Jed?
Are you saying that I’ve taught you all I can?
I always wanted to be a sidekick… But you knew that.
No, no — the sidekick is always useful and desireable. They only get in trouble when they get uppity…