All the ones I've done up to now have been the kind you do in rows, basically doing the same pattern all the way across. I decided to try something different this time -- rounds! It took me a while to figure it out, since there were a couple of techniques I hadn't used before. I'm still not sure I'm always joining things right. (If you know, when I start a new color on the round, do I do a starting stitch *before* I join it? I think I have to, right? I'm not sure I understand ending a round either...) But still, I faked it well enough that it seems to be holding it together. And instead of tying knots to finish things off (as my book strictly warns me not to do and which I did on all the earlier afghans anyway), I'm actually finishing the rounds off properly, sewing the loose ends into the back of the afghan. Yay, me! That little square took me a good hour, but I think they'll go faster as I go. They'd better -- in theory, I have 179 of them to go...and then I get to join them all. Eep.
The pattern calls for always using white as the outside color, but I'm kind of tempted to just keep changing them, sticking to jewel tones. I need to get some dark blue and purple and maybe gold. That'll look good, right? Even with the white? Though I guess I could stick to what I have now -- red, green and white. It'd be a Christmas afghan. We'll see...