I did spend some time researching graduate fellowships. I really should have applied for a Mellon fellowship, which applies for the first year of Ph.D. studies, but I didn't think of it. Oh well. There seem to be quite a few dissertation support fellowships out there, but I'm not sure that there's so much for the first couple of years. The U of Utah has a scholarship called the Steffenson-Canon that I'll be applying for for next year, but I'm not sure what else is available. We'll see. I'd really like a Fullbright to help me go research in India/Sri Lanka for a semester -- that would be great for the current series. I'll have to ask my advisor if that seems at all plausible. I wonder how hot it'll be in India next summer...
Today I really really really need to put the CS Book proposal together. Crown may be interested. Fingers crossed. That's the big project for this afternoon. Then tonight, there's a party. Not sure what to wear. Flowing hippy stuff? Cool hip things (or as hip as I get, anyway)? I have no idea what other people will be wearing, which is the real indicator. I'm tempted to call up the hostess and ask, but she's so hip herself I'm intimidated. Sigh...it's just a party. I'll figure something out.
It looks like we'll be doing a Strange Horizons tea on Sunday at 4 at ChiCon. Any of you planning on attending the Con? Would be great to meet you!
What I really want to do is take a nap, but that's just 'cause it's warm today. I'm going to go have some tea, give Roshani a call, do some dishes, and then get back to work. That's the plan, anyway -- it's amazing how often the plan falls through. This is the fourth day in a row that I've planned to deal with this book proposal... :-)
11:20. Well, in between a lot of Animaniacs, I did manage to review the rest of the manuscripts for the CS book proposal, and selected some excellent stories -- I got more than I could use, which is always a pleasure. I've sent out mail letting the authors know; now I'm waiting for confirmation that they're definitely still interested, at which point I'll suggest edits for the pieces before finalizing them in the proposal. I'm hoping to present to Crown next week; we'll see.
I'm having a little trouble focusing on the screen; I think I'm still slightly tipsy from the party. (I ended up just wearing a short white summer dress, for those who are curious. And my silver anklet and toe ring. :-) I've had some water, but I think I'd best have some more before bed; I'd hate to have a hangover tomorrow, given that people are coming to brunch. Fun party -- too many people. More than a hundred; I managed to stay for three hours (it helped that a bunch of department people I knew were there), but I was feeling pretty overwhelmed. I used to be pretty good at this socializing thing; I think all the Utah isolation is affecting my personality. Weird.
*big yawn* Okay, that's a sign. Time for bed. G'night, my dears.