It's snowing! I'm sure it'll be really annoying soon, but right now, it's
just absolutely fabulous. We haven't seen any snow up 'til now, and
suddenly there's at least 3 inches on the ground, and it's gorgeous. It'
a day for sitting at home grading papers, baking chocolate cream pie,
drinking tea while Kevin and Susan watch football (instead of working) and
we watch the snow falling and it's warm inside and just lovely.
(Eventually I'm going to mind that I don't have my papers graded yet, but
right now, I don't care. :-).
I'd write more, but I really have spent enough time on-line today. I
started this series
of photos; I need to crop them and finish the series, but you can take a
peek now if you like. But now back to grading...hope you're all having a
lovely weekend!