Well, nobody stalked me last night (though I did get several more phone calls (and hang-ups on the voice mail -- I wonder if it was because of Kevin's name on the machine?)) and I'm feeling somewhat calmer. Fluffing through some e-mail I found a note from the journalist saying the article will also be appearing in the August issue of NetGuide -- I wonder if I'll get another surge of mail then. We'll see. Kevin thinks I'm over-reacting. :-)
Otherwise, things are good. Went to see The Cable Guy last night with a friend (I adore Matt Broderick. Don't ask me why. Just go dig up a copy of Ladyhawke) and enjoyed it, but stayed up too late and am now very very tired. I keep yawning.
Puritan wants another novella (not for another 4 months -- lots of lead time). My editor would like it to be erotic horror this time -- I don't have a lot of experienc with that, but with the help of my brainstorming writer's workshop, I do have an idea....still percolating, but something with nuns, Catholic college students, and incubi... I'd use high school students, but the mag is pretty strict about nothing under 18. I'll have to check with the editor.