I’ve pivoted teaching to Zoom today because we have a snowstorm that started around 11, and it’s going to go for a few hours — since I teach 12-2, that’s likely to be terrible road conditions, since the snow is coming down hard and the plows won’t have had a chance to clear the roads / highways for the drive home. Bad for my driving, bad for my students. The university is still open, but I hope other faculty have pivoted, so the students have the option of attending safely from home.
I’m also under the weather a bit, I think — have been weirdly exhausted for a day, and just freezing, even though I was dressed warmly. Maybe I caught a mild something, maybe it’s just the drain of the ongoing national nightmare. I’m trying to really curate and moderate my news intake, but if I go on social media at all, it’s hard.
I’m losing it a little. Out of nowhere last night, I ended up snapping at poor Kavi AND Kevin about the piles of laundry that hadn’t been dealt with and which I kept tripping over, and THEN I burst into tears, and it took me quite a while to calm down and come back to myself (and apologize, of course). I’m behind on a bunch of things, and starting to get annoyed notes from people (totally justified in their annoyance), and all I can really say is that I’m trying, folks. Apparently, I’m hitting some capacity limits.I’m going to teach from bed today (sitting up and looking as professional as I can manage). I’m prepped for my classes, so I think that should go all right. I’ve closed myself in my bedroom with the oil radiator going to make it toasty and a humidifier on high to combat the excessive dryness we’ve had this past week.
I’ve been slathering myself with lotion, which helps, and using Keena Renee’s fabulous scrubs in the bath, which leave my skin feeling much less dry than it often does in winter. She’s just opened an online store, check it out! Link in comments. I love the tea tree scrub.
I’ve eaten, and hydrated, and more laundry is going, and after teaching, I’ll try to catch up on some of the backlogged e-mail.
Maybe tomorrow I’ll be recovered enough to make some more art. I did finish a few things yesterday, though I’m not sure when I’ll have the energy to take them down to Berwyn Sprout and get them priced. Soon, hopefully.
Here’s a little paperweight of mums. A world of mums. Wouldn’t that be a nice Mother’s Day gift? You could even include a little handwritten note — “Mum, you’re my world.” Too cheesy, perhaps…