I’m planning to swing down by the new store this evening around 6-ish — they’re hosting a Berwyn town assessor event, so it’s a good time to meet some locals (who might be inclined to buy things) and also add a little more stock to the store, fix some labels, etc.
I just checked the sales for the first week, and it’s not rip-roaring or anything, but things are selling. A vegan cookbook, a copy of Bodies in Motion, some resin botanical bookmarks and a necklace, some chili flake and gold leaf earrings, a tea towel.
I wasn’t sure it was a good strategy, having so many different things in the shop, but on the other hand, I enjoy making lots of different things, and so far, it doesn’t seem like any one thing is dominating. So I guess I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing? Trying to mostly keep things themed around food, books, botanicals, and autumn for now.
Berwyn Sprout Small Business Incubator
7129 Cermak Rd, Berwyn
Tuesday – Saturday from 10am-8pm
Sunday from 10am-5pm