I recently completed reading all the Pern novels written by McCaffrey’s kids, which means I’ve now read 25 novels set on Pern, which may tell you something about why I pretty much had to get a skeleton fire lizard for Halloween this year. (I’m afraid I like Anne’s books a lot better, and I wouldn’t necessarily recommend these, but the completist in me is happy to have read them.)
She was a gold queen fire lizard, naturally, but all her skin was scalded off by Threadscore in a terrible accident, and…um…I’m not quite sure how she’s survived in skeleton form, but I’m sure there’s a good story behind it.
(They advertise it as a dragon, but look, this is clearly a fire lizard. Silly marketers.)
(It is not very comfy perched on my shoulder, so would not recommend for Halloween costume until you are willing to put up with some noticeable discomfort. Fire lizard bones and claws are pointy.)