Oof. Intense day — class prep this morning, then swung by [redacted] for [redacted], then drove to campus, taught two classes, grabbed some quick lunch and coffee, attended colloquium job talk, drove downtown to the Sheraton for CapriCon, hosted Deep Dish reading (Angeli was sick poor thing, so covered for her), took a half hour to chat with writers in the bar, drove home (starting to really dislike driving at night, finding it stressful, mostly going to avoid it when I can, I think), got myself dinner of leftovers, checked in with kids and Kev, climbed into bed.
Tomorrow morning I have iGov meeting 8:30 – 9:30, prep and drive over to [redacted], then come home and pick up Kavi and take her prom dress shopping (wish us luck), which hopefully will not take all of the five hours I have allotted for it. (Last week’s effort was unsuccessful.) Then CapriCon again, where I’m hosting the open mic at 7, and I’ve gotten a hotel room for the night so I can actually have a drink at the bar and NOT drive home at night, and maybe even sleep in, since I expect to be pretty tired by that point. One panel Sunday morning, and then I have nothing else scheduled for the day, so I will probably hang a bit at the con and then come home and collapse.
(Sorry about all the redacted; it’s a sekrit thing I’ll be able to talk about soon.)
((This is not actually what I was wearing today, I wore this for teaching a few days ago, but I think I’ll wear it Sunday at the con. I should pack that. I can do that tomorrow before prom dress shopping, I think.))
(((A friend asked me how I have the energy for all this, and I explained that I’m running on adrenaline, and it’s a bad habit I picked up a long time ago to make my ADHD brain actually let me do things — if I queue up enough tightly packed stuff, I get a nice dopamine push from the adrenaline, and then I get very efficient and get a lot done, but it’s probably not a great idea for most of the time, as I’m pretty sure all that stress is bad for the body. Maybe once I’m retired I’ll just do much less and do it much more slowly.)))
Pendant of my own design. Isn’t it cute?