A treat today

I was a little bummed to be closing out my Berwyn Shop today (it looks like jury decision day is February 8th, so presumably sometime soon after that, I’ll find out if I’m approved to join the new cohort that opens up in May).

BUT, I did have a treat today — I used some of my incoming funds from the Christmas season to buy myself a very cool secondhand piece — I paid $500 for this old grain bin, and it’s now happily ensconced in my grubby basement studio, and I’ve moved lots of dried flowers from soulless plastic bins to these drawers, and they are just so much more pleasing to look at.

Of course, I do have more dried botanicals than will fit in one singular grain bin at this point, but I could at least move the bulk of the ones I use the most often in there. Roses, peonies, hydrangeas, hellebores…and lots of green matter too.

The freed-up plastic bins will be put to good use — some for drying more flowers, and some for storing some of my exploding collection of silicone molds. SO MANY MOLDS. If you are local and want to try out a mold, please feel free to borrow one and test it before buying your own.

I’d just establish a silicone mold library, but they do wear out with frequent use, so that probably doesn’t make a lot of sense. (They’re not nearly as resilient as metal bundt pans, I think.)

Anyway, it’s late, I’m tired, I think I’m rambling here. But look at my pretty grain / flower bin! Filling it up was SO SATISFYING.

(I found this at Needful Things — this is not the sort of thing they usually carry, but I stopped in there and spied this in the back months ago, and I waffled for a good long while, but finally committed today. AND the nice guys delivered it for only $40, including carrying it down a flight of stairs, which I think was a bargain. They were interested in my cookbook, so I gave them a copy as a thank you. 🙂 )

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