I’m going back in time a week

Somehow this didn’t post, so I’m going back in time a week to include a few more pics from Anand’s 8th grade graduation dinner at Cucina Paradiso. We’d never had fried lasagne rolls before — I thought mine was yummy, if very rich. Anand ate the other three very happily.

The caesar salad had too much ‘stuff’ on it for Kavi (and not enough caesar dressing for her taste), but I thought it was fine. Sun-dried tomatoes — blast from the past. 🙂

All of us enjoyed the fried calamari, though I do prefer having a more sharply garlic aioli in the mix.

Kavi LOVED the pesto cream pasta — that may be a new favorite dish of hers. Always nice when we can confidently add new dishes into the at-home rotation, though it would also be nice if more of them weren’t pasta…

This was a somewhat pricey dinner for us — we don’t actually eat out very much at home these days. But I had some gift cards, courtesy OPALGA+ (in thanks for hosting potlucks), and we were very happy to use them all here.

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