When you accidentally pull an allium

Garden log 5/14/24. When you accidentally pull an allium (I think this is “Millennium”) while weeding, that just means it really wants to be a cut flower for the house. Graced with a few sprigs of Russian sage.

Per usual, I’m happy to thin my Russian sage if anyone local would like some — let me know. I can dig up at least 4-5 plants, I think.

Easy-care (there’s a reason it gets used so much in municipal plantings — it’s EASY), nice for sunny parkways, makes plumes of long-lasting purple flowers later in the season. Chop it down in the early spring for a neater habit — otherwise, it can look a bit scraggly. But you don’t have to!

After a few years, it will likely spread if it’s happy, and then you can spot it in other places, or give it away, like me. 🙂

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