No Homecoming pics yet, because I was hosting knitting meet-up instead of going over to Kavi’s friend’s house to take photos. But Kavi has promised me photos soon, and I do have this one, sneakily taken from the back deck — we’re currently hosting the after-party.
We’ve provided the kids with a fire, s’mores fixings, chips, and soda. It’s an exceedingly tame after-party. Some of Kavi’s friends didn’t even go to Homecoming, but decided to play board games instead, and then meet up here.
As for me, I’m watching the second season of Good Omens, which is sufficiently delightful and engaging that I’m actually managing to stay awake and alert long past my bedtime, so I can appropriately supervise the teenagers. Thanks, Neil!
(I’m safely out of sight, in the living room, but not out of earshot. They’re laughing a lot, it’s utterly charming.)