A Little Bit Chaotic Here Today

 — we have a plumber coming to address various things, and so the water to the house will be off, and I’m trying to think about what I need to get done before they get here, gah.

We have a friend’s place we can decamp to if necessary, but it’s all a little complex because Kevin and Kavi won’t even be awake for a while, and I also have to be here recording a podcast from 12-2 or so. The cleaners were supposed to come today, but I’ve cancelled them because they can’t exactly clean without water.

Well, we’ll figure it out, and hopefully by the end of this we’ll have fixed:

– the leaky pipe in the front hallway
– the leaky faucet and unstable sink in the basement
– the nonfunctional shower and leaky pedestal sink in the kids’ bathroom

– and maybe even the drip hoses on the porch hanging baskets…

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